About Damai Coalition
UNESCO supports the formation of a Damai Coalition, as part of the Social Media 4 Peace project, funded by the European Union. This project supports efforts by various parties in Indonesia to better understand the root causes, scale, effects of disinformation and hate speech, which spread online, as well as building civil society’s resilience to harmful content and promoting and building a narrative of peace.
Comprised of 12 independent civil society organizations, the Damai Coalition aims to engage with social media platforms to provide suggestions on content moderation policies and practices, risk assessments, and protocols for election-related disinformation and hate speech, based on our expertise and strong understanding of socio-cultural complexity in the field. We will also engage in efforts to raise public awareness, policy development, and research, in collaboration with state institutions, civil society and the private sector.
The coalition and its members openly adhere to international human rights standards. The coalition believes that content moderation by electronic system providers should be governed by international human rights standards, especially the Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and Accountability in Content Moderation which require, among other things, that those making moderation decisions and appeals have cultural competency of the content they moderated.

Vision and Mission
This coalition aims to encourage content moderation and freedom of expression carried out by electronic system operators in Indonesia reflecting a detailed understanding of the local context, including linguistic, social, cultural and political dimensions, and in accordance with international human rights standards.
To achieve this goal, the coalition agrees to:
- Building equal, stable, long-term and transparent partnerships with content moderation and freedom of expression stakeholders, to create content moderation practices that respect freedom of expression and local context in Indonesia
- Conduct studies and advocate for content moderation and freedom of expression policies that are transparent and in accordance with international human rights standards
- Increasing digital literacy, especially in terms of content moderation, among stakeholders in accordance with international human rights standards.
The Damai Coalition is in favor of the public interest. Its actions, decisions and entire operations are governed by the following principles:
- Equality and non-discrimination
- Inclusivity
- Transparent and accountable
- Independent
- Fairness and due process in all decision-making processes
- Cooperation and complementarity with other civil society initiatives
Members of Damai Coalition
The Alliance of Independent Journalists or AJI is a professional journalist organization, which was founded by young Indonesian journalists on August 7 1994 in Bogor. AJI was born as a resistance from the Indonesian press community against the arbitrariness of the New Order regime.
AMSI was founded on April 18 2017 with the dedication to make cyber media in Indonesia more professional, trustworthy, independent and bring prosperity to its members.
CfDS is a research and study center under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University.
CSIS Indonesia is a policy think tank (research institute) headquartered in Jakarta. This institute is an independent, bipartisan institution that conducts policy research and strategic analysis in politics, economics, and security.
ECPAT Indonesia is a national network of twenty-two member organizations and two individuals in 11 provinces. We work together to eliminate prostitution, pornography and trafficking of children for sexual purposes in Indonesia.
ICT Watch is a civil society organization that has initiated numerous digital literacy initiatives and movements in Indonesia. In carrying out its programs, ICT Watch collaborates with multi-stakeholders (government, civil society, private sector, academics and the technical community).
The Gusdurian Network is an arena of synergy for Gusdurians in practical cultural and non-political spaces. The Gusdurian Network includes individuals, local communities/forums and organizations inspired by Gus Dur’s values, thoughts and struggles.
Founded on 19 August 1971, known as one of the NGOs in Indonesia, LP3ES operates in the fields of research, empowerment, education and publication on political, economic and social issues.
MAFINDO is a social organization that aims to socialize the dangers of false information (hoaxes) and create immunity against hoaxes in Indonesian society.
SAFEnet is a regional organization that focuses on fighting for digital rights in the Southeast Asia region.
Tifa Foundation is an organization that promotes the realization of an open society through collaboration on strategic issues with various civil society organizations in Indonesia, both at the national and local levels.
Perludem is an independent non-profit organization that carries out research, advocacy, monitoring, education and training in the field of elections and democracy for policy makers, organizers, participants and voters.